
Digital Marketing

  Digital Marketing DIGIEDGE is digital marketing institute  DIGIEDGE ·          DIGIEDGE is India's 1st digital marketing institute to offer complete training and career solution by offering a dynamic program in digital marketing aligned with Industrial standards, and empowered by globally recognized DMI, Ireland. ·          For a prominent offering to DIGIEDGE has established an Alliance with a globally recognized digital marketing educational body, DMI, Ireland ·          DMI, with presence in more than 115 countries has trained more than 18000 professionals, currently working with various leading brands. Looking at the demand of industry DIGIEDGE proactively incorporated simulation based training along with video delivery of lecture so as to match the industry requirement. This enables our students to serve in any profiles l...

BCA Material

id Subject Code 10 101 - Communication Skills 11 102 - Mathematics - I 12 103 - Introduction to Computers 130 104_CBCS - Computer Programming & Programming Methodology (C Lang) 13 104_Old - Computer Programming and Programming Methodology (QBasic) 131 105_CBCS - Office Automation 14 105_Old - PC Software - I 134 106 - Practical(Based on 104 and 105) 9 All Refer Below Link For More Details:

WEB-DESIGNING 2nd internal Assignment

S.Y.B.C.A SEMESTER -4-2018 WEB-DESIGNING 2 nd internal Assignment 1. Explain the process of interaction between Web Browser and Web Server 2. What is DNS? What is the function of DNS? 3. Explain Static, Dynamic and Active Page with suitable example. 4. Write a note of DHTML effects in frontpage. 5. Write a note on various views available in frontpage.                                                 6. Explain Jquery effects fade, slide, animate, and stop. 7. What are the types of selectors in Jquery? Explain each with example. 8. Explain DOM Traversing effects in JQuery. 9. Explain different control structure available in javascript. 10. Exp...

Web designing Lab Assignment -4

Web Designing Lab- Assignment-4 1 Write a jquery code to display the use of different selectors on different elements of html. 2 Write a jquery code to display the use of different events on different elements (including button) of html. 3 Write a jquery code to display the use of different effects on different elements (including button, image, box, text) of html. 4 Write a jquery code to display the use of DOM Traversing effects ( Ancestors, Descendants, sibling, and filtering) on different elements of html.  

Web Designing Lab- Assignment-3

Web Designing Lab- Assignment-3 1.      Write  java script code for string,math and date object. 2.      Write  java script code for all javascript events. 3.      Practice form validation. 4.       Create a form having a number of elements(textbox,radio buttons,check boxes and so on).write a javascript code to count the number of elements in the form. 5.      Create a form for student information.write a javascript code to find total,average,result and grade.            


ADVANCE C ASSIGNMENTS Simple User Defined Function and passing One Dimensional Array 1.      Write a user defined function to calculate simple interest. 2.      Write a user defined function to interchange two character values. 3.      Write a user defined function to sort one dimensional integer array. 4.      Write a user define function to check whether inputted strings are anagram or not. 5.      Write two user defined functions to find minimum and maximum from an array. 6.      Write a menu driven program to calculate factorial of a number or print Fibonacci series using recursion. 7.      Write a menu driven program to implement calculator using user defined functions. 8.      Write a user defined function to find whether a given character is present in given string or not. 9.      Write a user defined f...


LAB ASSIGNMENT -2 DBMS FYBCA (SEM 2)   Create following tables solved queries Student(roll_no,name,gender,address,class) Marks(roll_no,sub1,sub2,sub3,total,percentage) 1. insert 10 records for each tables 2. add the column email_id in student table 3. list out detail of student 4. list out student detail whose percentage is 70 5. list out student detail whose class is SYBCA 6. add colomn phone no in student 7. list out student detail whose total is 300 8. list out student detail whose name is raj 9. display student of „fybca‟ 10.display marks of student whose roll_no is 25. 11. change student name raj instead of rahul. 12.change field name address instead of stud_add in student table. 13.list out student detail whose class is fybca 14.remove the records of marks table 15.destroy the detail of student. Q2 Create following tables with appropriate constrain billmaster(billno, custno, billdate, billamt, discount) customer(custno, name, custadd) 1. insert at least 10 records for each ta...