FYBCA ASSIGNMENT Q1 Write 3 Paragraphs on Internet in MS Word and Do Following. 1) Apply Page Border. 2) Apply 1.5 line spacing in all paragraph. 3) Split 3 rd Paragraph in to 3 columns. 4) Apply Drop Cap effect in second paragraph. 5) Insert Image behind the First Paragraph. 6) Apply Header and Footer. 7) Apply Protection to your document. 8) Apply proper water mark. Q2 Perform the following a) The first document displays FYBCA students information as Seat No., Name, Father Name, Address, City, Phone, Email( Input data at least 5 records) Apply proper formatting. Use Table to store data. Apply link on student Seat No with his/ her mark sheet in the second document. b) In the second document, prepare all students mark sheet for FYBCA using table Apply proper formatting E...