
Showing posts from December, 2017


SHRI SHAMBHUBHAI V. PATEL COLLEGE OF C. S. & B. M. F.Y.B.C.A (SECOND SEMESTER) PRACTICAL ASSIGNMENT-I FYBCA SEM 2 C ASSIGNMENT-I  2018 1) Write a program to generate all possible combination of string for a given string. E.g. Input “surat” O/p: surat, urats, ratsu, atsur, tsura. 2) Write a program to read a sentence (containing blank spaces) and display it in toggle case. 3) Write a program to read a sentence. Count the number of capital letter, small letters , special characters and numbers. 4) Write a program to check whether given string is palindrome or not. 5) Write a program to do the following on a given string. I/p: patel shiv kumar O/p:  patel  shiv  kumar 6) Write a program which will read a string and rewrite it in the alphabetical order. For ex:- input=”string” output= “ginrst” Click Here to Download Fybca Assignment 2018


Programs Assignment – 2018 1. Print 'hello world' in java. 2. Addition of two values passing by command line argument. 3. Write a program to find the result of following expression.     1) a << 2 + b >> 2     2) (a<<2) + (b>>2)     3) a & b     4) a | 4 + a >> b & 7 4. Write a program in java to explain the use of break and continue statements. 5. Create Box class with data members width, height and depth. Objects of this class initializewith zero value or by passing single value. Create a method to calculate volume and display it.   6. Calculate area of square, rectangle and triangle using the three same name methods 'area'; 7. Make CALC class with two data members. Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operation of given two values by user. Initialize both data members with zero. (use menu-driven) 8. Create array with values {8,7,6,5,4} and display it. ...