
Showing posts from January, 2018


ADVANCE C ASSIGNMENTS Simple User Defined Function and passing One Dimensional Array 1.      Write a user defined function to calculate simple interest. 2.      Write a user defined function to interchange two character values. 3.      Write a user defined function to sort one dimensional integer array. 4.      Write a user define function to check whether inputted strings are anagram or not. 5.      Write two user defined functions to find minimum and maximum from an array. 6.      Write a menu driven program to calculate factorial of a number or print Fibonacci series using recursion. 7.      Write a menu driven program to implement calculator using user defined functions. 8.      Write a user defined function to find whether a given character is present in given string or not. 9.      Write a user defined f...


LAB ASSIGNMENT -2 DBMS FYBCA (SEM 2)   Create following tables solved queries Student(roll_no,name,gender,address,class) Marks(roll_no,sub1,sub2,sub3,total,percentage) 1. insert 10 records for each tables 2. add the column email_id in student table 3. list out detail of student 4. list out student detail whose percentage is 70 5. list out student detail whose class is SYBCA 6. add colomn phone no in student 7. list out student detail whose total is 300 8. list out student detail whose name is raj 9. display student of „fybca‟ 10.display marks of student whose roll_no is 25. 11. change student name raj instead of rahul. 12.change field name address instead of stud_add in student table. 13.list out student detail whose class is fybca 14.remove the records of marks table 15.destroy the detail of student. Q2 Create following tables with appropriate constrain billmaster(billno, custno, billdate, billamt, discount) customer(custno, name, custadd) 1. insert at least 10 records for each ta...

Project Report Sheet

    Project Report Sheet Streamline your project tracking with ready-to-use project management sheet in Excel. The beauty of a sheet is that you have a starting point you can use again and again. Download Project Report Sheet


Programs Assignment 2  – 2018 Programs Assignment – 2 1. Write a Java program to show that private member of a super class cannot be accessed from derived classes. 2. Write a program which show the calling sequence of default constructor in multilevel inheritance. 3. Create a class Student and derive class Result. Student class has name and rollNo. Result class has sub1, sub2, sub3 and total_marks. Student class and Result class has their own display method to display their parameters. Display the result of 5 students. Take input using parameterized constructors. Use super keyword to call parent class constructor and parent class method. 4. Write a class Worker and derive classes DailyWorker and SalariedWorker from it. Every worker has a name and a salary rate. Write method ComPay (int hours) to compute the week pay of every worker. A Daily Worker is paid on the basis of the number of days s/he works. The Salaried Worker gets paid the wage for 40 hours a week no matter what t...


LAB ASSIGNMENT -1  DBMS  FYBCA (SEM 2)         Database : College_Management_System Tables: University (u_id, u_name, u_addr,u_city)  College (c_id, c_name, c_addr,c_city, c_state)  Department (d_id, d_name)  Student (s_id,s_name, s_addr,s_city, s_phno)  Course (course_id, course_name)  Professor (p_id, p_name, p_addr, p_city,p_phno, p_designation) 1. Create all tables with fields and constraints. 2. Insert 5 records for each tables 3. View records from college table. 4. View records from course table. 5. View records p_name, p_address, p_city from professor table. 6. Display all records from university table. 7. Display records s_id, s_name, s_address, s_city from student table whose name is rahul. 8. Change name raj instead of rajesh in student table. 9. Change designation mca instead of bca in professor table. 10. Change course name bcom instead of bba in course table. 11. Add field s_email_id in student table. 12. Add field cou...